Мій банк

About the Bank

Stability amid the war

Since the beginning of russia's large-scale invasion in Ukraine, Oschad, being a critical infrastructure institution, has focused its efforts on ensuring stable and uninterrupted operation at all levels. This includes the operation of branches, ATMs, mobile application, chatbot, contact center, terminal network, etc. People have realized that the Bank has been operating efficiently despite the Great War. This has helped to maintain trust not only in Oschadbank but also in the entire banking system of the country.

It is crucial for the Bank to resume operations in the de-occupied territories in the shortest possible time. Therefore, Oschad returns to the liberated cities once the security situation enables it. Currently, Ukrainians may benefit from banking services in about 1200* branches in all government-controlled regions of Ukraine. According to the NBU, as of the end of 2023, Oschad’s branch network was the most extensive among all Ukrainian banks. It has 2793 ATMs and 2559 self-service terminals. Most of Oschadbank's services are available around the clock in the Mobile Oschad app.

* Hereinafter - all data as of December 31, 2023.

Oschadbank is a member of Power Banking, a joint network of systemically important banks of Ukraine created at the NBU’s initiative , which consists of institutions that will provide banking services (cash withdrawals, payments, transfers, currency exchange) even in the event of a prolonged power outage. In particular, 450 branches of Oschadbank are part of Power Banking and are ready to operate in total blackout.

At the beginning of the war, Oschad introduced loan repayment holidays and later restructuring programs to support its customers. Customers had the opportunity to use their previously set credit limits on their payment cards with no restrictions.

Oschad was the first to resume car and mortgage lending during the period of uncertainty and maintained its leading position in the market in 2023 both in terms of the amount of loans granted to individuals and the number of loans. Thus, last year, 4000 borrowers have became car owners thanks to Oschadbank. The total amount of car loans granted is UAH 3.3 billion, which is 50% of the market. The Bank granted 2804 mortgage loans totaling almost UAH 4.1 billion; Oschad's share in this market is 44%.

Oschadbank is also the leader of the "YeOselia" government program of preferential mortgage lending: 2842 such loans totaling UAH 4.3 billion have been granted. Oschadbank has been the first to grant “YeOselia” loan, the first to grant such a loan for an apartment in an unfinished building facility, and the first to jointly implementthe program with regional administrations, which compensate part of the interest rate from their budget. In 2023, Oschad started operating in the primary market, and 10 developers have already been accredited.

Thanks to its stable operation, the Bank is highly trusted by Ukrainians. In 2023, the volume of Oschadbank's UAH term deposits have increased by more than UAH 14.3 billion (32.3%) and is amounted to more than UAH 58 billion. Among Oschad's deposit products, the most popular are "My Defender" and "My Victory" deposits. The preferential deposit "My Defender" is intended for military personnel and their families. As of the end of 2023, UAH 14.1 billion was placed on it.  As for the popular My Victory deposit with a higher interest rate, it is available for everyone. Since May 10, 2023, when this deposit was introduced, Ukrainians have placed more than UAH 6.1 billion on it.

In 2023, Oschad was one of the key banks supporting business and the economy of Ukraine. Business clients were granted with UAH 13.3 billion in loans. More than 4,500 companies employing about 120,000 Ukrainians received funds for business development.

Amid the martial law, Oschadbank has introduced additional lending lines for MSME clients. They are offered preferential loan products for business relocation, and exporters are offered participation in the Export Credit Agency's (ECA) loan insurance program. A particular focus is made on cooperation with local authorities, which help Oschad to make loans more accessible to business. Currently, we have twelve such cooperation agreements, under which 500 business clients received interest compensation for the amount of more than UAH 3 million as of the late 2023. In addition, we have signed a memorandum with the All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities on cooperation in supporting MSMEs.

The issue of demining of agricultural land is still of high importance.. Oschad has recently launched a loan product called "Sowing without mines" for the agricultural sector, which gives customers the opportunity to obtain financing for demining their own land to resume business activity.

Today, Oschad has successfully implemented projects with international partners and donors. For example, the Bank participates in the implementation of a grant initiative to support Ukrainian business funded by the German government. Together with Oschad and the German Sparkassenstiftung, the project involves the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF).

In 2023, the Bank's clients received grants from the German government totaling more than UAH 62 million. By this indicator, Oschad ranks first among all program participants. More than 68% of grant recipients are registered and operate in war-affected regions or in the de-occupied territories.

As of the end of the year, Oschadbank's gross loan portfolio to micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) amounted to UAH 21.9 billion (30% increase in 2023). This result has been achieved, among other things, due to the fact that Oschad offers various support programs for Ukrainian business (state, regional and international), as well as by simplifying the financing mechanism and liberalizing its conditions. Recently, MSME clients have been able to submit an online loan application and obtain a preliminary decision within 24 hours using the OschadBusiness service.

The Bank keeps providing financial support to large businesses. Thus, in 2023, Oschad entered into loan agreements with corporate clients for UAH 27.4 billion, thereby improving its position and ranking second in the corporate lending market. The loan portfolio of large corporate clients amounted to UAH 55.2 billion as of the end of 2023.

The vast majority of the agreements were concluded with agricultural and industrial enterprises, companies operating in the energy sector, transportation,, machine building, oil and gas industry, financial services, and retail. In the II half of 2023, the relevant portfolio of Oschadbank increased by 10%, or by UAH 4.8 billion.

In 2023, Oschad's corporate business introduced a new financial leasing service, including for the restoration of fixed assets destroyed by the war, by critical infrastructure enterprises. The first transaction for more than EUR 5 million has been executed.

Oschadbank is one of the country's largest state-owned banks, which has been implementing its own inclusiveness strategy for almost a decade. In October 2023, Oschad launched the My Barrier-Free program, which is the further development of the Bank's previous inclusive initiatives. The program, which logically follows Oschadbank's previous efforts to gradually transform its branch network into a barrier-free environment, will now be focused on improving the quality of services for disabled people and veterans. In addition to making Bank branches more accessible, My Barrier-Free is based on the principles of equal respect for all customer groups by employees, friendly service and comfort when visiting the branch and applying online.

In December 2023, Oschad was ranked first in the record number of product nominations in the "25 Leading Ukrainian Banks in Wartime" rating by the Financial Club news agency, once again proving its reputation as a leading bank even in the extremely challenging conditions of a full-scale war.

We change ourselves and change the country

We are constantly working to benefit customers and change for the better

My pride. My beauty. My people.
My home. Mortgage financing."
"My card" by Oschadbank changes the country

Credit ratings

* ratings assigned to the Bank are brought in line with the country’s ratings

Moody’s Investors Service (revision date 06/03/2024)

  • Baseline credit assessment

  • Bank Deposit Rating (Local Currency), Long-term



Fitch Rating (revised 23/09/2024)

  • Long-Term National Scale Rating

    stable outlook

    АА (ukr)
  • Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating


Oschadbank is a member of the following organizations


Association of SWIFT Members and Users in Ukraine

Self-regulatory organization of professional stock market participants

Self-regulatory organization of professional stock market participants


MasterCard Worldwide International Payment System


VISA Intl International Payment System


Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks


Professional Association of Capital Markets and Derivatives Participants


Ukrainian Interbank Payment Systems Member Association


National payment system "Ukrainian Payment Space"



European Business Association

Oschadbank is accredited by

Documents and reporting

we have collected all possible documents related to the bank's activities in the archive for your convenience

Articles of Association