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A quarter of all loan applications submitted online and more than 1,400 accounts opened - results of OschadBusiness online platform for two years

Oschad News

OschadBusiness, the online platform developed by Oschadbank to support micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs), is celebrating two years of successful operation. During this period, the service has become a reliable tool for entrepreneurs seeking to obtain financial support, open accounts and conduct important transactions online quickly and conveniently. The platform has greatly facilitated access to banking services for small and medium-sized businesses, helping them save time and effort.

The main achievement of OschadBusiness is to simplify and speed up the lending process for entrepreneurs. Since the launch of the platform, more than 10 thousand unique users have shown interest in getting a loan online.  As a result of reviewing applications, 855 positive preliminary decisions were made in the amount of UAH 1.5 billion and 453 loans were issued for more than UAH 758 million. Online lending was the first service to be launched as part of the platform. Today, Oschadbank receives about 25% of all loan applications from MSMEs through this service.

Oschad ranks first in Ukraine in terms of the number of partnership programs - more than 300. These programs enable entrepreneurs to purchase the necessary machinery and equipment on favorable terms, obtain financing to replenish working capital, etc. As part of the partnership programs, 209 requests worth UAH 395 million were placed on the OschadBusiness platform and 118 positive loan decisions worth UAH 203 million were made.

In addition to lending, the platform offers the possibility of opening business accounts without the need to visit a bank branch. Since its launch, 1,444 online accounts have been opened through the platform, including 1,442 for individual entrepreneurs and 2 for legal entities.

“We are proud that OschadBusiness has become an effective tool to support Ukrainian business, especially in the face of current challenges. Our goal is to provide entrepreneurs with the simplest and fastest access to the necessary financial resources so that they can develop their own business and contribute to the country's economic growth. The results of the two-year operation of the online platform confirm that we have chosen the right path. Therefore, we continue to work on improving OschadBusiness to make it even more convenient for our customers,” comments Natalia Butkova-Vitvitska, Oschadbank Management Board Member in charge of MSMEs.

Oschad continues to work on expanding the functionality and simplifying processes for service users, which will help small and medium-sized enterprises to work effectively in the modern digital business environment. In 2024, the bank significantly expanded the functionality of its own digital services by introducing 4 new functions in OschadBusiness. As early as the first quarter of 2025, the platform implemented remote verification of foreign economic contracts in a test mode.



Oschad News

Oschadbank Press Center