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Serhii Naumov, Chairman of the Management Board of Oshchad, is CEO of the year according to the HR PRO Awards

Oschad News

Chairman of the Management Board of Oschadbank, Serhii Naumov, was recognized as the CEO of the year as part of the annual all-Ukrainian award for CEOs and HR professionals HR PRO Awards. This was announced yesterday at the award ceremony in Kyiv.

The "CEO of the Year" nomination honors people-oriented managers who translate ethical norms into their professional practice, implementing projects aimed at increasing efficiency and team development. The jury, which decided on the winner of the nomination, took into account the following characteristics of the nominees: “Human at the center", “Lifelong Learning", "Ethics and values", "Enlightenment" and "Intentions = Reality".

"I perceive this award as evidence of the successful work of the management team, which is actively changing the HR policies of Oschadbank in accordance with the realities of wartime. Oschad people are the same Ukrainians who, in one way or another, face the challenges of the great war every day. Sleepless nights, constant air alarms, difficulties with mental health - our employees also deal with all this. The task of the bank's management in this situation is to unite the team as much as possible and help colleagues in every possible way to pass the difficult test of war, so that they can provide the necessary support to millions of Oschad's customers," emphasized Serhii Naumov, Chairman of the Management Board.

The first awarding ceremony of the all-Ukrainian annual award for CEOs and HR professionals HR PRO Awards took place in 2021. The main purpose of the award is to recognize team and personal achievements that contribute to raising the level of professional HR practices in our country.

Oschad News

Oschadbank Press Center