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Oschadbank was once again awarded for the successful implementation of inclusive initiatives

Oschad News

Oschad won in the "Inclusive Bank" nomination of the Banker Awards 2024. In particular, the organizers of the competition noted the bank's efforts to build and develop the inclusive ecosystem - the "My Accessibility" program.

This year, Banker.ua presents the author's award for the first time, in which the best Ukrainian banks and companies, being an integral part of the country's financial system, are recognized for their achievements during the year. The main purpose of the Banker Awards is to highlight the achievements and strengths of businesses that, during 2024, have demonstrated significant progress in the development of their products and services, introducing innovations and improving the quality of customer service.

"We are grateful for the high evaluation of our work on creating a barrier-free environment, which has been carried out in Oschad quite a long. It underwent a new impetus and rethinking during the great war, when the implementation of inclusive initiatives became especially important. Barrier-free accessibility should become a common goal and a social norm, because the recovery and development of the country must firstly be based on the principles of inclusion, in order to minimize the obstacles that hinder the adaptation, rehabilitation and self-realization of people with disabilities, female and male veterans. Therefore, we call on various communities - business, organizations, citizens - to join the development of barrier-free Ukraine already today," commented Serhii Naumov, chairman of the board of Oschadbank.

This is the second award of the bank for achievements in the field of inclusiveness. In the summer, Oschadbank took first place in the nomination "The best example of the implementation of an inclusive approach" within the framework of UKRAINIAN CX EXCELLENCE 2024 - the all-Ukrainian award for the best customer experience.

As part of the "My Accessibility" program, Oschad, relying on its own experience, research and best global practices, implements numerous projects aimed at helping people with disabilities and, separately, veterans. Internal transformations of Oschadbank cover three main areas: physical accessibility of branches, barrier-free communication and a special service model, as well as the development of digital technologies. A separate major area of ​​work is promoting the physical rehabilitation of veterans and their reintegration into the economic life of the country. An important component of the program is the initiation of a broad public discussion on the creation of a barrier-free environment in Ukraine. To this end, Oschadbank, together with its partners, conducts special events, supports the release of popular shows and materials of the relevant direction in the media.


Oschad News

Oschadbank Press Center