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Drone manufacturers can receive a grant under the eRobota program implemented with the participation of Oschadbank

Oschad News

According to the government's decision, manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) have been added to the list of businesses eligible to receive a state grant under the eRobota program (in the business line “Processing”). Oschad is the exclusive banking partner of the program and is actively involved in its implementation.

The program is open to individuals and legal entities engaged in the production of aircraft and spacecraft, related equipment, and the manufacture of UAVs or their parts.

The grant is provided for the creation of new or increase in the capacity of existing enterprises for the production of these aircraft and equipment. The funds received can be spent on the purchase of fixed assets that cannot be alienated, their delivery and commissioning.

One can apply for a grant on the Diia portal using the established form. The application must be accompanied by a business plan for the project to which the grant funds are to be allocated.

The amount of the grant is up to UAH 8 million (for equipment), but not more than 80% of the project cost.

The grant is subject to the following conditions:

  • use of grant funds for their intended purpose within a year;
  • creation of new jobs, the number of which depends on the amount of the grant. For example, at least 25 jobs (one-third of them in the first six months, the rest within a year) must be created by the grant recipient in the amount of UAH 6.4 to 8 million;
  • within three years from the date of receipt of the grant, it is necessary to pay taxes, fees (make mandatory payments), and unified social security contributions to the consolidated budget of Ukraine in the amount of the grant.

The state grant program eRobota is aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and creating new jobs. Since the launch of eRobota in the summer of 2022, nearly 15,000 entrepreneurs have received grants to start or develop their businesses, totaling UAH 7.3 billion.


Oschad News

Oschadbank Press Center