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Oschadbank topped the rating of the most dynamic financial institutions in Ukraine, according to Dragon Capital and NV magazine

Oschad News

Oschadbank was ranked first in the ranking of the country's most resilient banks compiled by the Dragon Capital investment company and the New Voice (NV) magazine based on financial performance in 2024. Oschad scored the highest integrated indicator - 25 points among the 20 largest banking institutions in Ukraine.

The rating is based on an assessment of growth rates and volumes in four key segments: corporate lending, retail lending, and attracting funds from businesses and individuals.

According to the research, as of December 31, 2024, Oschadbank demonstrated impressive results in all these areas:

  • the amount of balances on deposit and current accounts of large corporations and micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) reached UAH 161.7 billion (an annual increase of 49%);
  • retail loans increased to UAH 21.1 billion (41% increase);
  • loans to large corporate businesses and MSMEs increased to UAH 90 billion (21% increase);
  • retail deposits and current accounts amounted to UAH 210.2 billion (up 12%).

According to NV, the bank, which has the ability to significantly increase lending and is trusted by both individuals and legal entities, demonstrates high financial strength.

“Oschadbank's leadership in the ranking of the most dynamic financial institutions is the result of the systematic work of our team and a reflection of the trust of millions of Ukrainians and thousands of businesses. In the extremely difficult wartime conditions, we were able to increase our loan portfolio and significantly increase the amount of funds raised. There is no doubt that the implementation of the new strategic program of Oschadbank until 2028 will enable us to further strengthen our position in the financial market of Ukraine and thus make our bank even more successful and resilient to the challenges of the current moment,” commented Sergii Naumov, Chairman of the Management Board of Oschadbank.

Oschad News

Oschadbank Press Center